Sunday, May 29, 2011

ACEN 2011 Cosplay - Nana "Hachi" Komatsu [NANA]

The new cosplay I made this year was for Day 2. This was a last-minute inspired duo cosplay that I did with my friend ^_^ We were the two Nana's from Ai Yazawa's "NANA": She was Nana and I was Hachi <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="">
I made the scarf, legwarmers, T-shirt, and skirt part of this cosplay, and I dyed my own hair to make it the right color for Hachi.

Scarf + Legwarmers

I made these out of gray sweatshirt fleece, and then used dot stencils + spray fabric paint to apply the dots. I'll just say that the spray fabric paints I used.... TOTALLY NOT WORTH IT. It would've been faster and less painful to just get normal fabric paint and sponge them on like I normally do. Oh well, they came in the perfect colors.


I made this out of a plain navy T-shirt from Michael's (I modified the bodice and sleeve length, and the neckline), pink bias binding, some pink crinkle crepe, and acrylic paint. I did not have fabric paint in the right color, so I just went ahead and used acrylic. It'll require washing with care, but oh well. I finally realized why the shirt said "Seven" on it at about midnight the night before... Nana = seven... hahaha... >_>;;


My piece de resistance in this outfit... Ruffles... I hate ruffles... I ended up just doing them kind of ghetto to save time. After the bottom-most layer, I didn't bother stitching and properly pulling them... I just gathered randomly by hand, pinned randomly, and then sewed. It actually turned out pretty well, and I don't think any worse than if I had spent a lot of time doing them "correctly". My bottom layer and the rest look about the same... The top layer actually looks better, but that's because I was careful about sewing it straight since nothing would cover it. I'm quite pleased with how this turned out, especially since the pattern-drafting actually went very quickly!! *happy with self* And also... I hate ruffling slightly less now that I know I can do it manually and it turns out fine... only slightly less...

And the whole outfit:

There it is!! I had so much fun on Saturday, between the fashion show and wandering around with friends ^_^

All in all a very successful ACEN!! b(^o^)d

Saturday, May 28, 2011

ACEN 2011 Cosplay - Amulet Spade [Shugo Chara]

For Day 1 of Anime Central this year, I decided to pull out my old Amulet Spade cosplay (from AX2009). The new thing that I made for this year was her Baton.

And funny enough, it was made from a pair of disposable chopsticks and lots of jewelry wire, a couple hours in the morning before I left for the convention center XD Given the circumstances, I'm pretty proud of how it turned out!!

Here's the baton itself:

And the whole outfit together:

People actually recognized me (more than I expected) and I even got a hug from a super-cute Amu ^_^ The whole day was super fun because it was the first time I wasn't just wandering around ACEN all alone <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="">
(^o^)/ Prism Music~~!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

ACEN 2011 - Photo Digest

Here's just all of the photos I took of awesome cosplays on Saturday ^_^  Not very many, since I'm too shy to ask people for pictures if they look even vaguely busy.  Plus getting my camera in and out of my bag was kind of a pain XD

Was super-happy to spot the Kaibutsu-kun (also, yay fellow JE fan!!!).  Too bad I couldn't make the JE meetup, since it was during the fashion show... Maybe next year ^_^  Also, Gantz cosplays = awesome ^_^  Especially since the blonde dude actually looked kind of like Nino.  Anyways XDD

Thursday, May 26, 2011

ACEN 2011 - Day 3

Lolita swap meet day!!!  I'll just say that it was really hot outside, but also very windy T_T  May eyelashes did not like.

But anyways, I brought my Bodyline pink carousel skirt and the BTSSB cream bustier I have to trade.  Managed to trade the bustier for a blouse with Lin (thank you Lin!) and sold the Bodyline skirt ^_^  Then promptly used that money and more to buy an AP polkadot cutsew cardigan from Kara and another AP cutsew from Cassandra XD  I'm pretty sure I just doubled the amount of AP pieces in my wardrobe... :-P

Also, I GOT TO MEET MY FELLOW MIDWEST MAID Yumi-chan!!! (Aka Kara in real life).  She was soooo cute and so nice!!! <3 Let's hang out again next year ^o^

And then I went to Lina's AA booth and bought another cupcake necklace ^_^  Didn't want to drag my linguist friends around to do that yesterday :-P

Cuteness abounds ^_^


Lauren and Mike kind of want to get an AA booth (or possible 2) to split between the group of us next year. I'm not entirely convinced it'll be a great idea, but Lauren apparently loves sitting at booths and tables, so I guess that could work out XD  It would just be sad to not be able to all wander as a group, but selling at AA could be nice (although stressful, as far as I've gathered).  I am getting excited sketching out designs and things I could make, although I'm pretty terrible at judging quantity to make :-P

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ACEN 2011 - Day 2

Day 2!!!  Yay for giant horde of linguists wandering around ACEN?  Mike was awesome and snuck them into the on-site registration line without waiting for... like... 3 hours or more, outside, in the heat <3

Anyways, I started the day off by visiting the H.Naoto booth.  In retrospect, it probably would've been smarter to go on Day 1 when the designers were there, and there were fewer people all demanding their attention.  As it was, none of the designers were there, since they were preparing for the fashion show.  I bought an awesomely cute cutsew dress though!  It's the one that was worn by Midori-chan in the recent H.Naoto fashion show in Japan.  Anyways...

They told me to come back later in the day to get a picture with one of the designers ^_^  Also, I got 2 points on their US convention points card.  I appreciated him rounding up since I didn't actually spend $200 XD.  I felt a little bad that I had to make Mike follow me around and watch me be a girl (and even hold my stuff while I tried on the dress XD).

Unfortunately, I had to run to the pre-fashion-show and leave Mike to hang out alone until everyone else finished registering.  The runway was like, an actual runway setup this year (I guess since they had real fashion designers showing this year).  Ahh I wish I was skinnier and prettier and had better photos (ie, a real comp card or portfolio) so I could've had a better chance of getting chosen to be a H.Naoto or Sixh model, because... omg amaaaaaazing.  But anyways, just being in the Lolita segment was fun too! I actually don't remember anything I did on stage (wooh adrenaline), but it was fun anyways ^_^  My feet were killing me though >_< Hopefully pics from that will be up soon!

Immediately afterwards, I did a quick change into my Hachi outfit :-D  And then spent the rest of the wandering around with the rest of the troupe.  I got recognized by one person without seeing Julie (my other Nana) first!!  Yay win <3

I went back to the H.Naoto booth later in the afternoon, and got my picture with IBI (from Sixh)!!!  I wish I knew more Japanese, knew more about Sixh, and that he wasn't busy at the time so I could've actually talked to him T_T  But I still got a picture, and apparently I was in fangirl mode... apparently XD  Ah well :-P

 And then we all went to the linguistics department party, where everyone had a hard time recognizing me.  I guess taking off the glasses and putting on the false eyelashes makes a huge difference XD

All in all, AN AWESOME DAY <3

Also, I managed to snag two Nino pencilboards *__*

I actually bought the yellow one on Friday, and then I came back Saturday and the booth had another Nino one up!!! Of course it was one with him in blue and with a guitar... had to buy!!!!

~(^o^)~ ~(^o^)~ ~(^o^)~ ~(^o^)~ ~(^o^)~ ~(^o^)~

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

ACEN 2011 - Day 1

So, I skipped class to go to ACEN on Friday ^_^ (It's okay, there probably wasn't much useful in class that day anyways XD).

First of all, the line for on-site registration was crazy long... it probably would back and forth about 4 times in the convention center lobby... They eventually moved it outside, as far as I could tell.  Anyways, thank goodness I already had my badge mailed to me, and Mike had pre-registered so he just needed to pick up his badge.

Most of the day was spent just wandering around the dealer's room and Artist's Alley.  We tried to go to a "Girls Who Like Boys Who Punch Boys" panel, but that was cancelled T_T  We did manage to make it to the "Steampunk Treasure Hunters" panel, which was interesting and informative.  I find steampunk intriguing, but I'm not entirely sure that I'd actually want to really wear it.  I like Lolita, but not really strictly Victorian clothing, and the gadgetry and bronze objects don't really do it for me.  However, I will admire others wearing it all day ^_^  I hope he does actually decide to make a steampunk outfit for next year, because he would look fantastic in it <3  We also went and watched part of the first episode of Evangelion 1.11, and then went to line up for the FLOW concert.

One complaint: When we got there, some IRT dude told us "NO BAGS" so we had to trek all the way to Mike's car, stash our bags, and by the time we got back apparently they decided to change the rule... WTF PEOPLE SERIOUSLY?!  At least the IRT girl at the end of the line was super-cool ^_^

And FLOW concert... UM.... I'm all for supporting local and indie bands in striving to make it, since I'm a musician myself.  However, I still felt like the time allotted for their opener band was waaaay too long, and the band was on the bad side of mediocre.  The horrible sound engineering and acoustics of the room didn't help, I'm sure.  FLOW themselves was awesome, and their English MCs were sooooo cute!!!!  I had to leave early though, because I needed to make it to the fashion show meeting.

Anyways, I didn't have time to finish my Chiaki cosplay (next year, next year T_T) so I just pulled out my Amulet Spade, made a baton the morning of, and went ^_^

Haha Mike was pleasantly surprised at how popular we were (in terms of getting asked for pictures).  I didn't think I'd be recognized so much, but yay ^_^  Also, one girl was adorable (she was dressed as schoolgirl Amu) and came running up and gave me a hug <3  Also... people had some interesting reactions to Mike's character (he was Aizen from Bleach).  He was super-cute with his wig and glasses though ^_^

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Hair Color! (Palty Sakura Creamy)

So for ACEN, I've been working on a cosplay of Hachi from NANA to match my friend who is cosplaying Nana!  Rather than scrambling to find the perfect wig last minute, I decided Hachi had normal enough hair for me to actually use my own hair.  However, in the manga and specifically the artbook (which is the outfit I'm doing), she has brown-red hair, so... HAIR DYE!!

Basically, I used cosplay as an excuse to do something I've been kind of wanting to do but also too scared to just dive into.  I got 2 boxes of Palty Sakura Creamy from Mitsuwa, and finally dyed my hair on Sunday ^_^

I'll just say... there's actually a not-insignificant amount of bleach in their formulation... it stung, and my hair lightened significantly (granted, I left it in for an entire hour, not the 20~30 minutes they recommend).  Anyways, I rather like the result ^_^  Less of the dark pinky-red pictured on the box than I might've preferred, but still nice overall.  And apparently under certain lighting, it looks very red XD


Before and After:
And here's what all the dye and stuff looked like before I put it on my head:

Yaay!!  I think the fact that I left it in so long is what made it lighter and more orange (since my hair tends to bleach orange).  ^_^

It did change the texture of my hair pretty significantly, although it's only noticeable when wet.  So, I notice it when I'm washing my hair, but otherwise it actually feels about the same.  I did however take care to not wash my hair for 3 days before dyeing, and since then I have not washed my hair using shampoo (not even immediately after dyeing).  I've been using just water and the deep conditioner treatment from Burt's Bees.

I've incidentally discovered that you really can "wash" your hair using only conditioner!!! I think I'm going to try this for awhile, although I'll probably switch to something less expensive than Burt's Bees after I finish this tube.

In any case... hair adventure success!!